Payment of Dues and other Financial Obligations Schedule for IATSE Local 635

Until further notice, if you have any questions about current dues, dues owed, your standing, your Membership Card, or you wish to pay your dues, contact the

Paying your quarterly dues covers your per capita stamps and staying current on all your financial obligations keeps you in good standing with the Local.

Quarterly payments are due on or before the following dates:

•   First Quarter: January 1
•   Second Quarter: April 1
•   Third Quarter: July 1
•   Fourth Quarter: October 1

The Local suggests that you pay the year in advance to avoid late fees!

Local 635 Dues for 2025 are the same as 2024 $65.00 per quarter, $260.00 per year.

Local 635's late fee is applied to quarterly dues paid after the quarter in which they were due. The late fine is $20.00 per quarter.

For example, paying the first quarter dues during the second quarter will result in one late fine. Paying both first and second quarter during the third quarter will result in a total of two late fines, one for each late quarter.

Be aware that any monies paid to the Local are applied to the fines first, and then to the dues obligations, starting with the oldest. So, you can still be in arrears after making payments.

Members having financial obligations more than sixty (60) days overdue will be automatically declared "Not in Good Standing." These members lose their right to hold office, attend meetings, vote, and be offered work through the Local

The Local's mailing address is:

IATSE Local 635
P.O. Box 24864
Winston-Salem, NC

Until further notice, if you have any questions about current dues, dues owed, your standing, your Membership Card, or you wish to pay your dues, contact the

Good Standing and The 10 Day Letter.

Members in good standing of this Local shall enjoy all rights, privileges, and benefits put forth in the Constitution and By-laws of Local 635.

Failure on the part of any member to pay any financial obligation to this Local within 90 days after same became payable shall result in such member being automatically declared not in good standing. A member not in good standing shall be deprived of the right to hold office, to attend meetings and to vote. Members may be suspended or expelled without trial for non-payment of dues and other financial obligations. In no event shall a member be expelled unless he has been delinquent for period of more than six months and unless such member has been given at least 10 days' written notice, by certified mail directed to his home address as last entered in the records of the local that he will stand expelled unless payment of his arrears is made within such 10-day period.

The Local is responsible only for sending such notification to the last address provided to the Secretary by the member.

The term "In Good Standing" means that you have fully complied with all your obligations to the Local not only financially but in all other regards.

Please note that the information here refers to both your quarterly dues and the work assessment, both are financial obligations. If you are on a touring show or for some reason the payroll company failed to withhold the monies, YOU are still responsible for reporting the amount owed and for setting up payment to the Local.


The following is a schedule of events for non-payment of dues and assessments. It is based on the oldest debt a member might have. Except for the quarterly due dates, the dates are approximate.

This schedule is for reference only.



 Jan. 1

  • First Quarter Due.
  • Members owing 3rd quarter from last year owe 3 quarters, 2 late fines and can expect a 10 day letter.
  • Members owing 4th quarter from last year owe 2 quarters and one late fine. 

 Jan. 11

  • Members owing 3rd quarter from last year expelled. 

 Mar. 1

  • Members owing 1st quarter are not in good standing.

 April 1

  • Second Quarter Due.
  • Members owing 4th quarter from last year owe 3 quarters, 2 late fines and can expect a 10 day letter.
  • Members owing 1st quarter owe 2 quarters and one late fine.

 April 11

  • Members owing 4th quarter from last year expelled.

 May 30

  • Members owing 2nd quarter are not in good standing.

 July 1

  • Third Quarter Due.
  • Members owing 1st quarter owe 3 quarters, 2 late fines and can expect a 10 day letter.
  • Members owing 2nd quarter owe 2 quarters and one late fine.

 July 11

  • Members owing 1st quarter expelled.

 Aug. 29

  • Members owing 3rd quarter are not in good standing.

 Oct. 1

  • Fourth Quarter Due.
  • Members owing 2nd quarter owe 3 quarters, 2 late fines and can expect a 10 day letter.
  • Members owing 3rd quarter owe 2 quarters and one late fine.

 Oct. 11

  • Members owing 2nd quarter expelled.

 Nov. 29

  • Members owing 4th quarter are not in good standing.


Expulsions are time consuming and expensive. The Local has to carry the cost of the member's stamps until the paperwork is sent to the International. There is also the expense of the certified mail for the 10 day letter, and if the address on file at the office isn't current, that letter is pointless.

If after expulsion, a member wants to work through the Local again, that member is liable for all monies since they last paid dues. This can include late fines and a reinstatement fee. All in all, it can add up pretty quickly.

The smart way out is an Honorable Withdrawal. If you know that you may not be able to afford your quarterly dues, or have taken a "normal" or other full time job, then an Honorable Withdrawal can save you, and the Local, a lot of money and grief.

The upside to the Honorable Withdrawal is that if your circumstances eventually change and you decide to again take work through the Local, the most it will cost is two years worth of dues. Less than a week's pay.

If you're out for less than two years, the only back dues you owe are the quarters for which you were gone.

You may leave on good terms and return on good terms.

It's easy, if you're in good standing (i.e. paid up) contact the Secretary and request an Honorable Withdrawal.

Refer to Article Nineteen, Section 18 of the International Constitution for details on receiving and maintaining Honorable Withdrawal status.

Refer to Article X Good Standing of the Constitution and By-Laws of Local 635 for Local policy on Good Standing

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